KeyCommander Buttons On/Off: This switch turns KeyCommander on or off. If you turn KeyCommander off, changes won't affect currently open applications until they are restarted. About: This button takes you to an about box with information about KeyCommander. Help: Pressing "Help" brings you here. Register: Pressing "Register" brings you to a dialog box from which you can register your copy of KeyCommander. To use this box, you must have already payed the registration fee. For information on how to pay, see the "Read Me" file that came with KeyCommander. Once you have registered, you will no longer see the about box when you open KeyCommander. Get Item: Press this button to open up KeyCommander's eye. When the eye is open, KeyCommander waits for you to select the menu item for which you want to add, edit, or remove a command-key equivalent. Press the button again to close the eye. Add: Once you've selected an item, press "Add" to add a command-key equivalent. This button will be dimmed if you haven't selected an item, if the item already has a command-key equivalent, or if KeyCommander is off. Edit: Once you've selected a menu item, press "Edit" to edit it's command-key equivalent. This button will be dimmed if you haven't selected an item, if the item has no command-key equivalent to edit, if the command-key equivalent was not originally set by KeyCommander, or if KeyCommander is off. Remove: Once you've selected a menu item, press "Remove" to remove it's command-key equivalent. This button will be dimmed if you haven't selected an item, if the item has no command-key equivalent to remove, if the command-key equivalent was not originally set by KeyCommander, or if KeyCommander is off. View Keys: This button brings up a dialog box with a list of all the command-keys you have set using KeyCommander. You may remove keys from this list using the "Remove" button but you may not add or change keys in the list. If you remove any keys using the "View Keys" dialog box, changes will not affect currently running applications until they're restarted.